Ep 1: Finally, uncorked.

Well, this is something entirely new to me. But since I started working for a wine company in January this year, it definitely became a mission for me to learn more about this intriguing beverage.
I am not much of an alcohol lover before, definitely not a regular drinker in that sense. Of course, I also had those youth days when I drink liquor with friends…Jose Cuervo, Vodka Ice, Gilbey’s Gin, etc. When I was already working and went to bars instead of just drinking at friends’ homes, I got exposed to frozen margarita and it became a personal favorite. But it’s more like having juice rather than real alcohol drinking. I enjoyed a few sparkling wines but not on a regular basis.

I still remember those days in my home country where we order frozen margarita by the pitcher. Yes, it’s much cheaper than here in Malaysia. My husband likes the fact that alcohol is cheap when we were there which to me is a bad thing.  You can just imagine the daily drinking binges that he does there.

Since I arrived here 4 years ago, I barely had drinks. First, it was expensive and then I became a mother so my world totally changed.

But then here I am. Out of curiosity and search for something different to explore, I decided to join the wine industry. Aside from the undeniable truth that wine is simply classy, it will also challenge me to learn and explore something that is completely new to me. 

I already had several wine tastings and I’m so delighted to have a boss who happens to be a GM and sommelier at the same time. So from a total ‘wine idiot’ who knew almost nothing about the drink, I am learning to appreciate the drink bit by bit, getting more interested to understand the heritage and intricate process involved in this beverage. 

So this marks my ‘uncorking’. I’ve started having dinner with a regular glass of wine. Every bottle is something new that I’ve never tried before. Previously had a Chardonnay, Portuguese rosé from an exclusive label, Riesling, Pinot Gris and now browsing for more new wines to buy…and review. I want to share my personal feedback so at least there will be more wine opinions out there from ordinary people like me who are not experts but simply enjoy a glass (or two!) of wines. 

To all wine lovers or to anyone interested with wines, cheers! Wine reviews from a mummy who loves wine (not an expert) coming soon...

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